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PMT continues to grow and update our content to meet the new and continuing needs of playground professionals.   PMT course material and objectives are the same whether students attend in-person or online. It’s recommended for frontline playground professionals and their supervisors responsible for inspection and maintenance of play equipment and structures.

Course curriculum includes current information and best practices in the field, and is recognized by national leaders in parks, recreation, and land management. This course will both benefit your career by expanding your knowledge base, and enhance your application and problem-solving skills.

Two smiling children climbing on playground netting

Course Curriculum:

  • Introduction to PMT
  • Playground Maintenance Process
  • Playground Liability
  • Hazard Prevention
  • Concrete
  • Surfacing, Part 1
  • Surfacing, Part 2
  • Maintaining Metal Play Equipment
  • Fasteners & Connectors
  • Maintaining Wood Equipment
  • Plastic and Rubber Degradation on the Playground
  • The Playground Inspection Process
  • Record-keeping & Documentation
  • Taking Equipment Out of Service
A smiling child swinging on a playground swing

Course Objectives:

After completing this course, learners should be able to:

  • Explain why a playground maintenance program is important to an organization and community.
  • List the four cornerstones of the Diamond of Care and describe their roles and importance in the playground maintenance process.
  • Identify different maintenance needs associated with different types of playground equipment materials.
  • Complete and properly document a high- and low-frequency playground inspection.
  • Differentiate when to remove playground equipment from service and explain the steps associated with doing so while protecting the public.
Five children and a woman laughing and playing with soap bubbles in an outdoor setting

Course Benefits:

  • Learn by doing. Hands on learning which combines discussion and virtual environments to understand playground maintenance tasks.
  • Learn about materials. Learn how to maintain playground equipment made of metal, plastic, wood and concrete.
  • Learn about safety. Understand how to take damaged equipment out of service safely, keep proper records, and identify potential legal issues related to playground maintenance.
  • Learn about surfaces. Learn how best to maintain unitary and loose-fill surfaces as well as fasteners and connectors.
  • Resources to take back to your office. Receive a 250-page textbook, workbook, and upon completion, a Playground Maintenance Technician Certificate.
  • Cost Effective! Train front-line maintenance staff at an affordable price.
  • Ensure your equipment lasts through its useful life.